I have been struggling this fall/early winter with exercise. I just haven't been getting nearly enough of it. It is the baby's fault. He is a handful and i am often exhausted by the end of the day. Ok, it isn't really his fault. It is just all the normal stuff that makes it hard for anyone to keep up with fitness: kids, work, lack of sunlight, short days, work, kids, cold weather moving in, work, kids.... did I mention kids and work? Going to the gym can be a challenge with the cost of gas and the time it takes between driving (20-ish minutes each way), dropping off Fritz at the childcare, working out, picking Fritz up, and then driving home. I need to be home again before my kids get home from school and so it basically has to be a day that I am not working in order for me to have enough time to go. None of this is new to anyone who has ever struggled to keep workouts happening. It is hard. It is hard for nearly everyone to fit all these things in.
The last 3 days I have managed to work out every day!! Whoohoo! I have decided to challenge myself to continue this all week long. At least SOMETHING everyday. Even if it is just walking around the track at the community center or doing a yoga video here at home. I know that if I do it every single day, I am more likely to keep it up. When I take a few days off, it is that much harder for me to motivate myself into doing anything.
Why is it so important to me? Exercise makes me a nicer person. Go ahead, ask my kids... I am much calmer and have a much longer fuse when I have recently worked out. Also, my jeans have been getting tight. This is not good. It is so much easier to fix a problem when it is a small problem then letting it become a big problem. Much easier to lose 5lbs than 125. I would say that exercise is the only "me" time that I ever get. Fritz even stays with me the vast majority of the time for work, so it is a rare, rare thing for me to be alone. Not that I often get to be alone for exercise either, but at least some of the time I do :)
Hopefully, I can pull it off this week. I am not off to a great start this morning since SOMEBODY (not naming any names... Fritz....) has an upset tummy and so I can't take him to the Y or drop him off at childcare. I will not inflict these diapers on anyone.
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