Monday, December 31, 2012

My Resolutions for 2013

I know making new year resolutions is a bit cheesy, but this is my blog and I will do what I want.

I am hoping that my resolutions are things that are beneficial to myself and my family.

  1. Take a vacation. With my family. Without electronic gadgets that distract us from one another.
  2. Read more books. I am going to try to read at least 1 book per month. For fun. Or at least listen to an audiobook while working out.
  3. Take my kids camping at least 1x this summer. 
  4. Teach my oldest child how to use my sewing machine.
  5. Complete at least 5 of the projects I have pinned on Pinterest. Make sure some of these projects are ones I can do with my kids.
  6. Maintain my weight. Yes, I would love to lose 10-15, but maintenance after a major weight loss if often hard enough.
  7. Bike a minimum of 500 miles once the ice clears off the roads. Fritz will be able to ride in a trailer or a bike seat this year, so this might become a possibility.
  8. Learn more patience and communicate more effectively with my kids, even when they are ticking me off.
  9. Swear a bit less. Gain a new favorite word.
  10. Hug more, yell less.
  11. Eat at least 1 serving of vegetables every day.
  12. Drink at least 2 qts of water a day.
  13. Meditate more.
  14. Go out with my husband and no children at least once a quarter. We have a great relationship and I want to be sure to nourish it. More "special married people time" too.
  15. Get better about making self-care a priority: annual physical, skin check (due to the cancer scare),  hair trims, dentist, eye appointment, etc.
  16. Start caring for my skin nightly.... this face ain't gettin' any younger.
  17. Play more games with my kids. Edie kicked my butt in Yahtzee the other day and it was FUN.
  18. Watch all the Harry Potter movies with Amelia. She would love this.
  19. Pay off the credit cards. I hate wasting money on interest payments. That is money we could be having fun with.
I think this is a good start. There are millions of ways that I can improve myself, but I will start with babysteps.

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