Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Life is just overwhelming at times

I am sitting here, all jealous, of some friends who recently posted about their runs. One had a baby a few weeks after I had Fritzy (yes, you know who you are with the new shoes) and I feel like I should be out there running too! Damn it! I was going to run a marathon this fall and I haven't been training at all. Of course, I can't find the time right now. Like, legitimately, cannot find any freaking time for anything other than work and renovations and then one day a week we frantically try to catch up on dishes, laundry, groceries, bills, etc. Each night when the older kids all collapse into bed, Joe and I sink into the couches for me to start an episode of Mad Men and the nursing marathon that Fritz makes my night.... the kid eats NON-STOP until dawn. As in, the other night, he only slept from 5am-7am without a breast in his mouth.

Normal people would just see this all as a phase in life and understand that you simply can't do it all. I would remind any friend or client of mine of this as well. However, I expect super-human things from myself and therefore I am mad that I cannot renovate a home while also caring for 4 children while also logging 25-50 miles a week in running while also working fulltime. Forget reading a good book or really having anything of interest to talk about other than paint colors. I can hop online while the baby nurses, but that is really my only "free" time. Even as I type this I am nursing this child of mine.

Lately, I have been daydreaming about quitting my job. I think it is just that I really miss my little strawberry blonde boy while I work. That, and my job can be super stressful at times. I can picture grad school and my kids and home renovations. I am not quite sure how we would pay our bills without me working, but I am right now pretending that giving up Starbucks would be enough to make the difference :)


  1. Your running friends are so annoying!! You should defriend them!!! The nerve of some people! Agh!!! I have these same thoughts about do many of my friends too! FB can be so bad and do good all at the same time! It will pass and you will look back and think how in the world did I make it through that! Please let me know if we can help!! If that means matt helping joe do you can get some you time or taking the kids to the park! Seriously! Let us help! Remember the advice you give to your PP mamas!

    1. Hahaha, how are those new shoes working out for you? :) And just so you know, I am not jealous in an angry way.... just in a wistful way. I just want to be out there too :)

      It will pass, and soon, too! I just reminded myself that we only have 1 month until we have to be moved in. We are so close, which means we have to be working really hard right now, but the work will slow once we move in.
