Sunday, August 12, 2012

Our 11th weekend

Seems crazy that it has been 11 weekends of fun since we bought this house :) Things are going well, but I will admit that I am starting to miss lazy Sunday mornings of coffee and looking at each other while saying, "hmmm.... honey, what would you like to do today?" Now it is much more, "Honey, what project MUST be done today?"

Joe got the deck all ripped off on the side of the house and has half of it laid again!

The funniest part of this was the way he sunburnt while working. He calls it his "tramp stamp sunburn" :)

It was supposed to be nice out today after some rain this morning, but it is now the afternoon and it has still not stopped raining. So, we ran to Menards and got more deck screws, ran to the grocery store, and got some projects done inside the house. These projects included getting the boxes emptied in our bedroom. Oh, so nice! Now our bedroom feels like a bedroom and not a room with a bed in the middle of boxes.

We got some curtain rod action going on:

Above, you can also see that Edie got a new bed on Friday! She is no longer sleeping on the floor. We picked up a bedframe and mattress and Joe got the bed all put together Friday night. The mattress that she was on went back onto the bunk beds in Owen's room and so now we have a spare bed for when the kids have friends stay the night. The curtain in the girls' room is one of the two that I sewed for them :) They need to get more stuff on their walls though, this curtain hanging is making their room look even shorter than it already is!

We finished laundry, which I won't bore you with a picture of. Although, if you look at our bedroom photo then you can see some of the clean clothes folded there and ready to be put away!

I am quite excited to have also meal planned for the week and cooked. It has been hard to do that because of all the projects and time constraints and general life disarray. We will be using the crockpot a lot this week, which helps. And then we can eat for the whole week on about $75 instead of $35/meal when we go out. The kids and I are all sick with a cold, so soups and crockpot oatmeal seems right up our alley for this week. This illness factor has also slowed me down quite a bit this weekend. Here is proof of Fritz being sick. He does not normally lay down without touching my body and yet here he was too tired to care that I got up to take a few photos:

The other thing that slowed us down this weekend was the fair (in this case, it was good to be slowed down a bit). The kids are involved in 4H and 2 of them had rabbits to show. Amelia got a blue ribbon on hers and Owen got a participation ribbon (he is a Cloverbud, so that is what all the kids in his age range get). Edie would have had the guinea pig in the pet show, but he passed away this last week. We will have to get her a rabbit to show next year :) Joe and the kids also worked the 4H food booth last night while Fritz and I just wandered around looking at 4H projects and such. I am very proud of my big three kiddos and what sort of people they are becoming. It is a long process to raise people, but I feel like we are on a good track :)

And just because I know that my friends enjoy a good ghost story, today Owen heard someone walking in the bathroom when he and I were the only ones home. I heard it too and promptly reassured him that it was nothing..... old floors creak and groan, right?

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