Saturday, August 25, 2012

Girls' room is done... and other weekend projects

Finally, I feel like we can do an official "before and after" shot of a room in the house :) Joe and I and the girls got their room totally finished up today. I would finish up Owen's room, but the kid won't keep legos picked up for long enough to do anything.

Anyhow, here are the befores:
(I wish the smell would come through the blog page... it was rank.... cat urine soaked carpet)

And here are the afters:

We have also been doing many little projects. Yesterday, Joe and I built a compost bin out of pallets, so our compost will be all neat and tidy:

I have been also working on touching up some paint while Joe works on putting together different shelves. I sorted cloth diapers that Fritz outgrew during this moving process and spent a good amount of time searching for the television remote that has been missing since our move..... no luck. Tomorrow will involve painting trim and, if the weather is good, we will be taking down the carport thing that is attached to the garage.

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