I am not a writer. I should start with that. If you are expecting perfect grammer and spelling, you should move on! I just found that often I was writing stats updates far too long for facebook :) My life has several interesting journeys happening all at one time and sharing these life journeys helps me to focus on what I am doing.
Here is me in a nushell:
* I am the mother of 4 wonderful children (my youngest just turned 1 month!)
* I work at a job that I don't want to share the title of because it gets me hate mail and cyberstalked by weirdos who hate what I do... even though what I do is perfectly legal and perfectly moral. Go figure.
*I am a wannabe marathoner. I have my first marathon in September :)
* I exercise quite a bit and have a love/hate relationship with exercise. Love what it does for my body and the endorphins that come after a workout, but I hate the actual workout while I am doing it.
*I have lost nearly 130lbs over the last few years, so I am a bit weird about what I eat. No sugar, limited carbs, lots of protein.
*if you cut me, I bleed Splenda (see above)
*I love to make lists
* I drink more coffee than anyone should
* I wish I was much craftier than I am. I love shopping on etsy and seeing all the talent that other people have
* I move a lot. As in we have moved 14 times in the 12 years my husband and I have been married. We are trying to buy a house right now and hopefully that will be the final move we make.
* I try to be very thankful for what I have and keep a positive attitude. I think negativity attracts more negativity.
* I think I am funnier than I am. Thankfully, my husband finds me pretty hilarious too.